Year 3-6 Public Speaking Workshops

Public speaking is one of the common fears of people and it’s important to get started early! Do you have kids in year 3-6 and want them to start practicing their public speaking skills during the school holidays?

We are now inviting you to sign up with us! Feel free to email us at for more information.

提高自信,减少害羞+恐惧。 特为小学生量身定制的 public speaking confidence course。四月假期,扫码或点击 Sign up now报名。

Sign up now!

* Save $10 if you choose this option! Can also pay via WeChat with this option.

Recommend a friend and receive a $50 off voucher on your next course with us!

Location: Green Square Library, Zetland, Sydney

Address: 355 Botany Rd, Zetland NSW 2017

Dates: 15 th, 17th, 19th, 22nd, and 24th April

Time: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm

Click here to sign up now!

Recommend a friend and receive a $50 off voucher!


Recommend a friend and receive a $50 off voucher!